Thursday, August 7, 2014

Acoustic Blues Guitar Lessons - Thumb Control Lesson #23 - Lady Madonna


Acoustic Blues Guitar Lessons 

I think I only played Lady Madonna once in public. It's away from my usual acoustic blues guitar style and I've lost the touch a bit after not playing it for a year or so. It's great fun to play and also a good way to improve thumb control. Whatever finger picking guitar style we prefer, thumb control is going to improve whatever we do. For example, it allows us to be more creative and maybe walk up the basses instead of alternating bass strings or just hitting one bass string all the time. Don't get me wrong - some of the best acoustic blues guitar ever uses a monotonic bass line, but it's good to explore all the possibilities. There's nothing difficult in either the bass or melody lines, but putting it together is a challenge which brings heaps of satisfaction. All you need to do is practice and make that godawful decision - do you want a social life or work towards being a guitar god? Ah well, life's never simple.

Acoustic Blues Guitar Lessons

Take it easy, have fun Jim

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